Baico provides authors with distribution channels for both paperback print and e-book services.

About Us

Baico Publishing offers a simplistic approach to a very complex industry! Providing a gateway to unknown authors to publish their books!

Baico Publishing began operations in 1997 in Gatineau, Quebec but because of growth in its operations, it is now located in Canada’s beautiful and picturesque capital, Ottawa.  The founder, Raymond Coderre brings over 40 years of invaluable experience in the printing and publishing industry with the vision to operate a publishing house that is unique in its services and relationship with its authors.  As such, Baico’s signature is its accessibility to its authors as its key players make themselves available to them, addressing any of their questions and concerns, and putting them at ease. 

Baico is committed to running its publishing house with a high degree of integrity.   Its mission is to not only publish unknown writers who would otherwise not have an opportunity to have their work published, but also seeks to help authors reap financial benefits that is greater than what the industry usually offers.  Baico helps authors to use innovative approaches outside of the norm of the industry when marketing and selling their work so as to attract appropriate readers to their literature.

Baico looks forward to developing an intimate relationship with its authors.  We also hope to leave an inspiring imprint in the lives of all dedicated authors who choose us as their publisher, as well as in those of all our global readers.